A Neuro core overseeing general spaces, shared equipment, and lab operations

Neuro Ops: 

Neuro_ops@hms.harvard.edu | 617-432-2251

Facilities Call Center (FCC): 

facilitiescallcenter@hms.harvard.edu | 617-432-1901 

flat blank line space

Emergency Situations
  • Fire - call 911, once secure/safe, call Facilities and let them know you contacted 911 provide as much detail as possible regarding location. Alert Neuro Ops.
  • Severe Medical Issue - call 911, once secure/safe, call Facilities and let them know you contacted 911, provide as much detail as possible regarding location. Facilities will assist in directing medical responders to you when they arrive. Those involved will need to fill out an incident report within 24-hours (LINK HERE). If you need help filling out this form, please let us know.
  • Flood – Call Facilities with building, room, and details about what is flooding and if still active. Alert Neuro Ops to assist.
  • Chemical Spill - Call Facilities with building, room, and details about the nature of the spill. Have Safety Data Sheet (SDS) available if possible. Alert Neuro Ops.
  • Occupational & Environmental Health Network (OEHN) - For medical advice on lab-related exposures, call 866-360-8100

Infrastructure that Requires Neuro Ops Assistance

  • Temperature Regulation

    Email Neuro Ops with the following information:

    1. Building/Room#
    2. Type of space (animal behavior, laser/scope, BSL2, office etc.)
    3. Detailed description of problem
    4. Ideal temperature range and fan speed


  • Electrical Outages

    Email Neuro Ops with the following information:

    1. Building/Room# 
    2. Type of space (animal behavior, laser/scope, BSL2, office etc.)
    3. Detailed description of problem


  • House Utilities

    For repairs to house air, vacuum, or gas lines - email facilities, CC neuro ops with the following information:

    1. Building/Room# 
    2. Type of space (animal behavior, laser/scope, BSL2, office etc.)
    3. Detailed description of problem
    4. Your name, lab, and contact information

    NOTE: Addition or removal of house air, vacuum, gas lines, or emergency   power must be a formal request emailed to Neuro ops:

    1. Building/Room# 
    2. Type of space (animal behavior, laser/scope, BSL2, office etc.)
    3. Detailed description of problem


  • Leaks, Drips and Condensation

    Call Neuro Ops (or email if not an emergency) with the following information:

    1. Building/Room# 
    2. Type of space (animal behavior, laser/scope, BSL2, office etc.)
    3. Detailed description of problem


  • Strange Odors

    Call Facilities, Alert Neuro Ops with the following information:

    1. Building/Room# 
    2. Type of space (animal behavior, laser/scope, BSL2, office etc.)
    3. Detailed description of problem
    4. Your name, lab, and contact information
    5. Request a work order# and write it down


  • Carpentry – Patch/Paint, Remove or Add benches & Shelving, Door Handle/Lock Issues, Repairs to Floor Tiles & Carpets

    Email Neuro Ops with the following information:

    1. Building/Room# 
    2. Type of space (animal behavior, laser/scope, BSL2, office etc.)
    3. Detailed description of request

    Please call Facilities if imminent danger present – see here for Emergency Response Guide

    1. General Requests: Restroom & conference room maintenance, hazardous & non-hazardous waste services, pest sightings


  • Pest Sightings

    Email facilities, cc neuro ops with the following information:

    1. Building/Room# 
    2. Type of space(animal behavior, 2-photon, BSL2, etc.)
    3. Detailed description of sighting (rodent, insect, etc.)
    4. Your name, lab, and contact information


  • Restroom (non-emergency)

    Email facilities, cc neuro ops with the following information:

    1. Building/Room# 
    2. Type of space(animal behavior, 2-photon, BSL2, etc.)
    3. Detailed description of problem (restock, clogged drain, etc.)
    4. Your name, lab, and contact information


  • Conference room upkeep

    For restocking of supplies, scan the restock QR code posted near the sink. For cleaning requests, email Facilities and cc neuro ops.


  • Waste Services

    1. Biohazard, trash, and recycling containers are picked up daily. If you have a bin that is full, please contact facilities to request custodial pickup. 
    2. For lab equipment and furniture, email Neuro Ops. 
    3. For sharps pickup, new sharps containers, and other hazardous waste, submit a waste pickup request form.


Lab Resources

  • Freezer/Cold Room Emergencies

    • If you hear a -80 freezer alarm:
    1. please contact the owner listed on the outside of the freezer, then Neuro Ops.
    2. For -80 freezer services- contact Shon’s Scientific 
      1. normal business hours: 781-326-1947
      2. after hours: 866-317-9563
    •  If you hear a cold room alarm:
    1. Call Facilities or Neuro Ops with the following information:
      1. Building/Room#
      2. Specify whether 4C, -20C, or both
      3. Detailed description of problem
      4. Your name, lab, and contact information
      5. Request a work order# and write it down
    • Please post appropriate contact information for your lab on all freezers and cold rooms that you occupy. 
    1. We have backup freezers and cold rooms dedicated to emergencies or planned maintenance/defrosts – please reach out to us to arrange use of this equipment, as multiple labs may be in need of backup cold storage.


  • Shared Consumables provided by the department

    To access the full list, please click here.

  • Regulatory compliance

    • Controlled Substances
    1. Controlled substance regulation is taken very seriously by the University. The Neuro Ops team helps to place orders and dispose of expired materials. If there is a diversion of any kind (theft, spill*, logging issue, missing vials etc.) of a controlled substance in your lab, contact us immediately for instruction and assistance. 

                *For a spill/broken vial take pictures immediately



Equipment Resources

  • Equipment Removal

    Do you have equipment that’s old or damaged beyond repair? Every 2 months we coordinate with a recycling company to come dispose of unwanted items. If you need the space, we can remove it until the recycling event. 

    Please decon your equipment prior to pickup


  • Equipment and Consumables Donation

    1. If you have functioning equipment or consumables that you would like to remove from your lab, we can move it to our basement storage area. 
      1. Please decon your equipment prior to pickup
    2. Labs can schedule visits to the basement to find used equipment and consumables they may need. We will keep an updated inventory on the Neuro server.
      1. NEUROBIOLOGY SHARED-> Dept Equipment->Goldenson Basement


  • Equipment Delivery

    1. Operating hours are between 7:30am-4:00pm. Deliveries can be made during off hours if coordinated with Neuro Ops 
      1. Before 7:30am or after 4:00pm we would need to be there to open doors
    2.  9:00am-11:00am is reserved for UPS-FEDEX and VWR (priority). Does not mean the dock will be full that entire time.
    3. No 53-ft tractor trailer trucks are allowed
      1. Entrance height is 13’-6”. One bay lowers deck to ground
    4. Please email Neuro Ops if truck needs extended time at dock 
    5. Please email Neuro Ops if parking is required on the bricks at WAB entrance
      1. Need type of vehicle, license plate, vendor name, length of stay
    6.  We have pallet jacks but we do NOT have a forklift
    7. Please verify the size and weight of equipment/crates. We need to know if it will fit into the elevators and into the room where they are being delivered.


  • Shared Equipment Spaces

    Neuro Operations also manages shared equipment spaces. For a full list of rooms and equipment, click here.


Onboarding Assistance

  • Badge Access

    Please have your PI or Lab Manager email Neuro Ops with the following information:

    1. HUID
    2. Areas to which access is being requested

    *Note: Please do not include names in your request. HUIDs tied to individuals are considered L3 data and should be handled accordingly.

    Learn how to encrypt your email message.

  • Key Access

    Please email Neuro Ops with the following information:

    1. Building/Room#
    2. Key Code 
    3. Quantity of Keys needed


  • Locker Assignments

    If you need a locker to store personal belongings, please email Neuro Ops.

    Once a locker has been assigned, please label it.


Useful links