How do I ship a package via Fedex or UPS?
- FedEx and UPS shipments are picked up daily from the Warren Alpert Building entrance. Larger packages can be dropped off at the loading dock in the basement of Warren Alpert.
- FedEx envelopes and shipping labels are available next to the copier outside Goldenson 122
- Talk to Neuro Ops about shipping special materials
Please indicate your lab name in the “memo/description” part of the form. (Neuro Ops)
How may I receive messages via the Neuro listserv?
Email neuro_coordinator@hms.harvard.edu with your name and lab affiliation
Courier Service?
Visit this website for details about HMS’s courier service, as well as a link to the form needed to make a request. You will need your billing code.
Mail services can be contacted at 617-496-6245 or HUMS@harvard.edu for any questions about the courier service.
Payroll or time sheet concern?
- Email your PI or lab manager and ask them edit your hours
- Email neuro_coordinator@hms.harvard.edu and May Corrigan (may_corrigan@hms.harvard.edu) if you or your PI have questions.
How do I learn about new community events?
Check out our Events calendar!
How can I learn more about Department community groups?
Check out our Community page or contact Chloe Denelsbeck at chloe_denelsbeck@hms.harvard.edu!
Where can I get an HMS Department of Neurobiology logo for presentations?
How do I obtain an official letter of employment?
Email May Corrigan at may_corrigan@hms.harvard.edu
I'm leaving the department but still need to maintain access temporarily; who do I talk to?
Jess Barowski and Lyric Wall-Kuhn at Jessica_barowski@hms.harvard.edu and Lyric_Wall-Kuhn@hms.harvard.edu
How can I make photocopies?
The copier is located outside Goldenson 422 and codes are posted in the Neurobiology Shared Folder. Please reach out to IT if you need access to the network drive.
How do I complete onboarding for new-hires?
All onboarding questions can be directed to neuro_coordinator@hms.harvard.edu
Where can I buy a stamp?
Personal stamps can be purchased at the Stop and Shop (in Mission Hill) behind Countway Library or the Post Office on Tremont Street.
Can’t find a package?
Packages are delivered directly to the lab, however, small packages will be delivered to the mailroom in Armenise 429. If you have checked both of these places, please call the mail room at 617-432-2217 for further assistance.
Lost and found?
- Any lost and found items will be kept in Armenise 429.
- If you have lost your Harvard ID, please go to the ID office located at 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur.
Facilities issue?
See Neuro Ops page.
Kitchen Supplies
The department provides hand soap and paper towels - if either need to be restocked, please contact Neuro Ops. All other kitchen supplies are provided by your lab - contact your PI or lab manager if there is something you would like to add to your kitchen
Where can I store my bike?
- Please refrain from storing bikes inside the labs and common spaces as this is a fire hazard
- Please refer to the HMS campus planning website for instructions on where your bike can be stored while on campus.
Pest Control
All rodent and insect sightings should be reported to Facilities (617-432-1901) and Neuro Ops
Booking a conference room
Conference rooms can now be booked through the Room Reservations page.
How do I print a poster?
PhD Posters has a great tool for printing out posters, and is local to the Longwood Medical Area.
I have a paper accepted for publication. What should I do?
Contact Soha Ashrafi to discuss a press release, and Grace Park to discuss cover art work or graphical abstract design work!