The Department of Neurobiology hosted the Stephen W. Kuffler Lecture to honor the memory of the founding Chairman of the Department. Family, friends, colleagues and former students of Dr. Kuffler donated funds in his memory to create an endowed fund to support the Kuffler lecture.
Steve Kuffler served as Chairman of the Department of Neurobiology from its formation in 1966 until 1974 when he decided to give up his administrative duties and return to the lab. Steve had a quick wit, a ready smile and an irrepressible sense of humor. He formed a warm and close friendship with colleagues all over the world. After a full, happy and productive life, Steve Kuffler died on October 11, 1980 (Katz in McMahan 107-134).
The Kuffler Lecture will be reinstated in Spring 2024.
- October 2025: Toto Oliveira, University of Utah
- April 2024: Richard Morris, Centre for Discovery of Brain Sciences, The University of Edinburgh
- April 2017: William B. Kristan, Jr, University of California, San Diego
- April 2016: Richard D. Mooney, Duke University School of Medicine
- April 2014: Leslie B. Vosshall, The Rockefeller University
- February 2013: Roderick MacKinnon, The Rockefeller University
- April 2012: David W. Tank, Princeton University
- April 2011: David J. Anderson, California Institute of Technology, Division of Biology
- April 2010: Richard Axel, Columbia University
- April 2009: Karel Svoboda, HHMI- Janelia Farm
- April 2008: A. James Hudspeth, Rockefeller University
Recording of 2008 Kuffler Lecture (requires Real Media player) - April 2007: Linda Buck, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
- March 2006: Solomon Snyder, The Johns Hopkins Hospital
- January 2005: Cornelia Bargmann, The Rockefeller University
- February 2004: Eric Knudsen, Stanford University
- January 2003: Thomas Jessell, Columbia University
- January 2002: William Newsome, Stanford University
- January 2001: David Julius, University of California
- December 1999: Lily and Yuh Nung Jan, University of California
- November 1997: Kevin Campbell, University of Iowa
- December 1996: Joshua Sanes, Washington University
- February 1996: Robert Horvitz, MIT
- April 1995: Carla Shatz, University of California
- December 1993: Susumu Tonegawa, MIT
- October 1992: Bertil Hille, University of Washington
- May 1992: Torsten Weisel, Rockefeller University
- May 1990: Gerald Fischbach, Washington University
- May 1989: Viktor Hamburger, Washington University
- April 1988: Paul Greengard, Rockefeller University
- April 1987: Seymour Benzer, University of California
- May 1986: Ricardo Miledi, University of California