Rachel Wilson

Rachel Wilson, Ph.D.

Joseph B. Martin Professor of Basic Research in the Field of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Circuit Basis of Sensory Processing

How are expectations and predictions wired into our brains? How are they integrated and updated as we experience new sensory stimuli? How are all these sources of information used to select and control specific behavioral actions?

The mission of the Wilson lab is to understand key computations that occur in sensory processing and sensorimotor integration, and to describe the biophysical mechanisms underlying these computations.

We use the brain of the fruit fly Drosophila to investigate these questions. The genetic toolbox of this organism allows us to rapidly generate new reagents to label or manipulate specific classes of neurons in the brain. Many individual neurons are uniquely identifiable across different brains, and they have fairly stereotyped synaptic inputs and outputs. This allows us to build up a cumulative picture of each neuron in a network. Crucially, it allows us to understand a neuron’s activity patterns in light of its synaptic connectivity patterns.

Because many neural systems in various species face the same constraints, we believe that some of the lessons we learn from this simple brain will provide clues to understanding similar problems in more complex brains.

In the area of sensory processing, we are currently focusing on the olfactory, auditory, and mechanosensory systems, as well as cross-modal sensory integration. In the area of sensorimotor integration, we are currently focusing on motor behaviors involving guided limb control.

Publications View
Fine-grained descending control of steering in walking Drosophila.
Authors: Authors: Yang HH, Brezovec BE, Serratosa Capdevila L, Vanderbeck QX, Adachi A, Mann RS, Wilson RI.
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Transforming a head direction signal into a goal-oriented steering command.
Authors: Authors: Westeinde EA, Kellogg E, Dawson PM, Lu J, Hamburg L, Midler B, Druckmann S, Wilson RI.
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Interactions between specialized gain control mechanisms in olfactory processing.
Authors: Authors: Barth-Maron A, D'Alessandro I, Wilson RI.
Curr Biol
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Fine-grained descending control of steering in walking Drosophila.
Authors: Authors: Yang HH, Brezovec LE, Capdevila LS, Vanderbeck QX, Adachi A, Mann RS, Wilson RI.
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Neural Networks for Navigation: From Connections to Computations.
Authors: Authors: Wilson RI.
Annu Rev Neurosci
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Author Correction: Dopamine promotes head direction plasticity during orienting movements.
Authors: Authors: Fisher YE, Marquis M, D'Alessandro I, Wilson RI.
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Bayesian inference in ring attractor networks.
Authors: Authors: Kutschireiter A, Basnak MA, Wilson RI, Drugowitsch J.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Dopamine promotes head direction plasticity during orienting movements.
Authors: Authors: Fisher YE, Marquis M, D'Alessandro I, Wilson RI.
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Locomotor and olfactory responses in dopamine neurons of the Drosophila superior-lateral brain.
Authors: Authors: Marquis M, Wilson RI.
Curr Biol
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Transforming representations of movement from body- to world-centric space.
Authors: Authors: Lu J, Behbahani AH, Hamburg L, Westeinde EA, Dawson PM, Lyu C, Maimon G, Dickinson MH, Druckmann S, Wilson RI.
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