Margaret Livingstone

Marge Livingstone, Ph.D.

Takeda Professor of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School

Development and selectivity of object-recognition circuitry in the Primate Brain

We ask how tuning properties of individual neurons in high-level visual areas come to be selective for complex visual objects the animals have encountered (or not) during their development, and how these neurons com to be clustered at a gross level in the brain. We use single-unit electrophysiology, functional MRI, behavior, and modeling.

Publications View
Neuronal correlates of visibility and invisibility in the primate visual system.
Authors: Authors: Macknik SL, Livingstone MS.
Nat Neurosci
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Mechanisms of direction selectivity in macaque V1.
Authors: Authors: Livingstone MS.
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Oscillatory firing and interneuronal correlations in squirrel monkey striate cortex.
Authors: Authors: Livingstone MS.
J Neurophysiol
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Differences between stereopsis, interocular correlation and binocularity.
Authors: Authors: Livingstone MS.
Vision Res
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Ocular dominance columns in New World monkeys.
Authors: Authors: Livingstone MS.
J Neurosci
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Visual responses in V1 of freely viewing monkeys.
Authors: Authors: Livingstone MS, Freeman DC, Hubel DH.
Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol
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Stereopsis and binocularity in the squirrel monkey.
Authors: Authors: Livingstone MS, Nori S, Freeman DC, Hubel DH.
Vision Res
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Stereopsis and positional acuity under dark adaptation.
Authors: Authors: Livingstone MS, Hubel DH.
Vision Res
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Evidence for a magnocellular defect in developmental dyslexia.
Authors: Authors: Galaburda A, Livingstone M.
Ann N Y Acad Sci
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Physiological and anatomical evidence for a magnocellular defect in developmental dyslexia.
Authors: Authors: Livingstone MS, Rosen GD, Drislane FW, Galaburda AM.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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