Margaret Livingstone

Marge Livingstone, Ph.D.

Takeda Professor of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School

Development and selectivity of object-recognition circuitry in the Primate Brain

We ask how tuning properties of individual neurons in high-level visual areas come to be selective for complex visual objects the animals have encountered (or not) during their development, and how these neurons com to be clustered at a gross level in the brain. We use single-unit electrophysiology, functional MRI, behavior, and modeling.

Publications View
Mechanisms of face perception.
Authors: Authors: Tsao DY, Livingstone MS.
Annu Rev Neurosci
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Postscript: a reply to Bressan (2007).
Authors: Authors: Howe PD, Sagreiya H, Curtis DL, Zheng C, Livingstone MS.
Psychol Rev
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The double-anchoring theory of lightness perception: a comment on Bressan (2006).
Authors: Authors: Howe PD, Sagreiya H, Curtis DL, Zheng C, Livingstone MS.
Psychol Rev
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Perspectives on science and art.
Authors: Authors: Conway BR, Livingstone MS.
Curr Opin Neurobiol
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Cytochrome oxidase and neurofilament reactivity in monocularly deprived human primary visual cortex.
Authors: Authors: Duffy KR, Murphy KM, Frosch MP, Livingstone MS.
Cereb Cortex
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The use of the cancellation technique to quantify the Hermann grid illusion.
Authors: Authors: Howe PD, Livingstone MS.
PLoS One
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Contrast affects speed tuning, space-time slant, and receptive-field organization of simple cells in macaque V1.
Authors: Authors: Livingstone MS, Conway BR.
J Neurophysiol
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Explaining the footsteps, belly dancer, Wenceslas, and kickback illusions.
Authors: Authors: Howe PD, Thompson PG, Anstis SM, Sagreiya H, Livingstone MS.
J Vis
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Spatial and temporal properties of cone signals in alert macaque primary visual cortex.
Authors: Authors: Conway BR, Livingstone MS.
J Neurosci
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V1 partially solves the stereo aperture problem.
Authors: Authors: Howe PD, Livingstone MS.
Cereb Cortex
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