Rosalind Segal, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Neurobiology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Dean for Graduate Education, Harvard Medical School
Intercellular Communication
Our research focuses on intercellular communication: how growth factor signaling pathways regulate brain development, and how these pathways contribute to abnormal proliferation, migration and survival in brain tumors and in other neurologic disorders.
Publications View
Exploring clinical markers of Axon degeneration processes in Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy among young adults receiving vincristine or paclitaxel.
Authors: Authors: Knoerl R, Mazzola E, Pazyra-Murphy M, Ryback B, Frazier AL, Freeman RL, Hammer M, LaCasce A, Ligibel J, Luskin MR, Berry DL, Segal RA.
BMC Neurol
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BMC Neurol
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Satellite glial contact enhances differentiation and maturation of human iPSC-derived sensory neurons.
Authors: Authors: LeBlang CJ, Pazyra-Murphy MF, Silagi ES, Dasgupta S, Tsolias M, Miller T, Petrova V, Zhen S, Jovanovic V, Castellano D, Gerrish K, Ormanoglu P, Tristan C, Singeç I, Woolf CJ, Tasdemir-Yilmaz O, Segal RA.
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Genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 knockout screens identify DNMT1 as a druggable dependency in sonic hedgehog medulloblastoma.
Authors: Authors: Tsiami F, Lago C, Pozza N, Piccioni F, Zhao X, Lülsberg F, Root DE, Tiberi L, Kool M, Schittenhelm J, Bandopadhayay P, Segal RA, Tabatabai G, Merk DJ.
Acta Neuropathol Commun
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Acta Neuropathol Commun
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Dissecting the neuroprotective interaction between the BH4 domain of BCL-w and the IP3 receptor.
Authors: Authors: Tang SX, Camara CM, Franco JA, Pazyra-Murphy MF, Li Y, Godes M, Moyer BM, Bird GH, Segal RA, Walensky LD.
Cell Chem Biol
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Cell Chem Biol
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Satellite Glial Cells: No Longer the Most Overlooked Glia.
Authors: Authors: Birren SJ, Goodrich LV, Segal RA.
Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol
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Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol
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A Benzarone Derivative Inhibits EYA to Suppress Tumor Growth in SHH Medulloblastoma.
Authors: Authors: Hwang GH, Pazyra-Murphy MF, Seo HS, Dhe-Paganon S, Stopka SA, DiPiazza M, Sutter N, Gero TW, Volkert A, Ombelets L, Dittemore G, Rees MG, Ronan MM, Roth JA, Agar NYR, Scott DA, Segal RA.
Cancer Res
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Cancer Res
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Developmental basis of SHH medulloblastoma heterogeneity.
Authors: Authors: Gold MP, Ong W, Masteller AM, Ghasemi DR, Galindo JA, Park NR, Huynh NC, Donde A, Pister V, Saurez RA, Vladoiu MC, Hwang GH, Eisemann T, Donovan LK, Walker AD, Benetatos J, Dufour C, Garzia L, Segal RA, Wechsler-Reya RJ, Mesirov JP, Korshunov A, Pajtler KW, Pomeroy SL, Ayrault O, Davidson SM, Cotter JA, Taylor MD, Fraenkel E.
Nat Commun
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Nat Commun
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TMEM161B regulates cerebral cortical gyration, Sonic Hedgehog signaling, and ciliary structure in the developing central nervous system.
Authors: Authors: Akula SK, Marciano JH, Lim Y, Exposito-Alonso D, Hylton NK, Hwang GH, Neil JE, Dominado N, Bunton-Stasyshyn RK, Song JHT, Talukdar M, Schmid A, Teboul L, Mo A, Shin T, Finander B, Beck SG, Yeh RC, Otani A, Qian X, DeGennaro EM, Alkuraya FS, Maddirevula S, Cascino GD, Giannini C, Burrage LC, Rosenfield JA, Ketkar S, Clark GD, Bacino C, Lewis RA, Segal RA, Bazan JF, Smith KA, Golden JA, Cho G, Walsh CA.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Sarm1 activation produces cADPR to increase intra-axonal Ca++ and promote axon degeneration in PIPN.
Authors: Authors: Li Y, Pazyra-Murphy MF, Avizonis D, de Sá Tavares Russo M, Tang S, Chen CY, Hsueh YP, Bergholz JS, Jiang T, Zhao JJ, Zhu J, Ko KW, Milbrandt J, DiAntonio A, Segal RA.
J Cell Biol
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J Cell Biol
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Diversity of developing peripheral glia revealed by single-cell RNA sequencing.
Authors: Authors: Tasdemir-Yilmaz OE, Druckenbrod NR, Olukoya OO, Dong W, Yung AR, Bastille I, Pazyra-Murphy MF, Sitko AA, Hale EB, Vigneau S, Gimelbrant AA, Kharchenko PV, Goodrich LV, Segal RA.
Dev Cell
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Dev Cell
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