Christopher D Harvey

Christopher D. Harvey, Ph.D.

Professor of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School
Director of PiN Admissions, Harvard Medical School

The Neuroscience of Decision Making

What are our brains doing as we make decisions? How do we navigate complex spatial environments? For instance, how do we use cues from our environment to make correct decisions on how to navigate through a city toward our destination?The Harvey lab seeks to understand fundamental principles for the function and organization of neuronal circuits in the mammalian cortex. We investigate how circuits perform computations involved in working memory and decision-making, especially in the context of spatial navigation.

Our approach is based on connecting properties of neuronal circuit function with behavior in the mouse. We utilize a variety of experimental methods to study activity dynamics in circuits and the relationship between circuit dynamics and architecture. Recently, we have initiated efforts to combine our experimental program with a program for computational and theoretical modeling. Together our approach emphasizes the dynamics and the mechanisms by which circuits perform computations (how does a circuit compute?) and also aims to identify the computations performed in specific circuits (what does a circuit compute?).

Many current experiments are centered on a recently developed virtual reality system in which mice can navigate through visual virtual environments. This system allows us to train mice to perform perceptual decision-making tasks and to probe circuit function during these tasks using a wide range of optical, electrophysiological, genetic, and anatomical methods.

Publications View
An optical brain-machine interface reveals a causal role of posterior parietal cortex in goal-directed navigation.
Authors: Authors: Sorrell E, Wilson DE, Rule ME, Yang H, Forni F, Harvey CD, O'Leary T.
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Synaptic wiring motifs in posterior parietal cortex support decision-making.
Authors: Authors: Kuan AT, Bondanelli G, Driscoll LN, Han J, Kim M, Hildebrand DGC, Graham BJ, Wilson DE, Thomas LA, Panzeri S, Harvey CD, Lee WA.
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A cell-type-specific error-correction signal in the posterior parietal cortex.
Authors: Authors: Green J, Bruno CA, Traunmüller L, Ding J, Hrvatin S, Wilson DE, Khodadad T, Samuels J, Greenberg ME, Harvey CD.
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Hippocampal place codes are gated by behavioral engagement.
Authors: Authors: Pettit NL, Yuan XC, Harvey CD.
Nat Neurosci
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Cortical responses to touch reflect subcortical integration of LTMR signals.
Authors: Authors: Emanuel AJ, Lehnert BP, Panzeri S, Harvey CD, Ginty DD.
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Mechanoreceptor synapses in the brainstem shape the central representation of touch.
Authors: Authors: Lehnert BP, Santiago C, Huey EL, Emanuel AJ, Renauld S, Africawala N, Alkislar I, Zheng Y, Bai L, Koutsioumpa C, Hong JT, Magee AR, Harvey CD, Ginty DD.
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DeepEthogram, a machine learning pipeline for supervised behavior classification from raw pixels.
Authors: Authors: Bohnslav JP, Wimalasena NK, Clausing KJ, Dai YY, Yarmolinsky DA, Cruz T, Kashlan AD, Chiappe ME, Orefice LL, Woolf CJ, Harvey CD.
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Correlations enhance the behavioral readout of neural population activity in association cortex.
Authors: Authors: Valente M, Pica G, Bondanelli G, Moroni M, Runyan CA, Morcos AS, Harvey CD, Panzeri S.
Nat Neurosci
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Scaling of sensory information in large neural populations shows signatures of information-limiting correlations.
Authors: Authors: Kafashan M, <a href="">Jaffe AW</a>, Chettih SN, Nogueira R, Arandia-Romero I, <a href="">Harvey CD</a>, Moreno-Bote R, <a href="">Drugowitsch J</a>.
Nat Commun
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Bidirectional perisomatic inhibitory plasticity of a Fos neuronal network.
Authors: Authors: Yap EL, Pettit NL, Davis CP, Nagy MA, Harmin DA, Golden E, Dagliyan O, Lin C, Rudolph S, Sharma N, Griffith EC, Harvey CD, Greenberg ME.
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